About Us
If you’re currently building in any form - business, community, product - you have at one time or another bought into the superhero narrative (read until the end for the what this is).
I bought into this narrative with reckless abandon in early 2023. I was fresh off leaving my corporate job, was well-capitalized, and ready to build full-time.
I was stoked.
As excited as I was, something strange started to happen. I constantly felt like I wasn’t doing enough. I worked day and night strategizing, testing, building, and failing along the way.
Some days were incredulous. I remember starting the LA in Common Instagram account, originally as a food blog. We hit 5,000 followers in just a few months.
Some days weren’t so great. I would wake up with no idea what I needed to do and zero motivation to figure it out.
One night I found myself having dinner with my family. The meal was delicious. My mom made paella. The wine was flowing and we were all laughing. It was such a joy to be with people I loved.
As great as my night was, I couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong. Was I ungrateful? Was I tired?
I wasn’t sure.
After the meal and doing the dishes, I sat down on a couch and, without much warning, I just began to cry.
I broke down and just started sobbing.
The whole weight of the world felt like it was on my shoulders. I felt like it was completely on me to succeed and build a profitable, sustainable business.
I thought to myself, “why do I feel so heavy?”
As entrepreneurs we are susceptible to believing the superhero narrative - it’s this belief that you have to be the superhero of your own story, that you have to heroically handle everything yourself.
We convince ourselves that we have to be the one who wills our way to succeeding in our own story.
My family noticed me sobbing and immediately sat down and hugged me.
They comforted me telling me to trust in the process and keep going. They told me they were proud of me and that everything was going to be ok.
As I look back at that moment, I didn’t need to hear some Earth-shattering business strategy or make a crucial mental connection. Receiving a capital investment would have been nice but it wouldn’t have addressed the underlying cause of my distress.
What I needed in that moment was support. The entrepreneurial journey was silently taking a toll on my emotional, spiritual, and physical health. The only way out was to find people I could trust, like my family, rest, and continue to build.
I don’t believe my story is much different from yours (unless your mom also makes great paella, then there’s a chance. jk). If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re building something epic. Unfortunately, that most likely means you’re building alone.
And you probably already know this but building alone is not only unsustainable - it’s damn near impossible. It’s my firm belief that we need a support system of people who understand us and can help point us in the right direction.
What you’ll find at LA in Common is exactly this. You’re getting a support system of peers who understand you because we’re all trying to do the same thing - supper club savants, writers, directors, indie skincare brand owners, artist showcase founders, and board game creators.
You’ll also find:
bi-weekly and monthly events where you can see new and familiar faces
a directory for sharing brand, venue, and collaborator connections
strategy and business frameworks to help you and your business succeed
trusted 1:1 thought partners to give feedback on your business ideas
If this resonates with you, I’d love to invite you to submit an interest form. We’d love to get to know you on a more personal and professional level. Once you fill it out, we’ll get back to you with next steps and, hopefully, an invitation into our community.
Break free of the superhero narrative.
Let’s build together.